The Original Triple Threat Dance & Charm est. 2013
Triple Threat Charm School
Charm School
(Ages 3-14) Saturdays
A one month program before our end of year dance recital. Charm Girl school is about building character and preparing our young ladies for modern society. All Charm Girl participants participate in the Charm Girl Pageant (Natural Pageant) with the opportunity to be the face of Triple Threat Dance & Charm and win a four month scholarship towards fall dance tuition.
Internet Awareness
Skincare & Makeup, Hair & Nail Care
Wardrobe & Accessories
Oral Presentation
The Art of Conversation/Interview Prep
Restaurant Etiquette
Categories in the Charm Girl Pageant are formal wear, dance wear, interview and personal introduction. Charm Girl Contestants will also perform a Charm Girl dance!
Charm Girl Pageant $160
Includes Charm Girl attire, Charm School and Entry into the pageant!
Charm Girl Pledge
I am a Charm Girl, I have a voice
I am a Charm Girl, I have a vision for my life and myself
I am a Charm Girl, my life is important
I am a Charm Girl, my presence is essential
I am a Charm Girl, I know my worth
I am a Charm Girl, I am committed and confident
I am a Charm Girl, I am not intimidated by anyone or anything
I am a Charm Girl, My life is connected to a loving Creator who protects and guides me at all times